Monday, May 25, 2009

I DO... I DIDN'T???

Well, tomorrow is the day that the California Supreme Court Makes a decision on Gay Marriage.  I really hope they realize that this is an Equal Rights issue, not a religious issue!  Wish us Luck!!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Sleeping, eating and pooping. Now she coos!

Averi has turned the cuteness factor up a notch with the recent addition of cooing and smiling. Melts her papa's heart!
And Adds is being the protective big sister already. At a b'day party yesterday, a friend carried Averi away to show to some other moms when Addison followed her crying with arms outstretched wanting Averi returned. It was such an adorable sight.
Addison starts preschool in a month or so. She is so excited; as are we. Our next challenge is getting her birthday party planned. More to follow soon.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Whoa! What a ride.

Well its been a busy time as you can well imagine. Averi has been growing well and Addison has been an angel!
We have all been adjusting to the new routine 0f our latest addition. Last night, Averi gave us a wonderful gift. She slept 8 hours (from 9pm to 5am) straight through at 2 months old! Even if it was a fluke, it was welcomed. Today, we are going to try to do everything the same as yesterday. We're even wearing the same clothes - in hope of a repeat!
Averi's biological mother requested a meeting with Averi last week. As nervous as we were, things went very well. Mom thanked us (through an intermediary, since we are doing this adoption as a 'closed' process) for taking care of her. It looks as though there won't be any snags (at least with her mom) as we move forward.
Its a beautiful day in San Francisco and we are off on an urban hike. The weather has been spectacular for the past few days and we are enjoying every moment. Off we go.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Great News!!!

We just found out that we will be bringing Averi home four days early!!!  On the 21st!!!  The infection wasn't as bad as they thought!!!  We are so happy, excited and grateful!!!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Averi Dalila,day 5!

Okay, so I promise I won't blog about the girls every day!  Only everyday until Averi comes home!  She is doing VERY WELL, the nurses always comment on what a sweet girl she is.  Do they say that to everyone?  Nah, just us.  I used to hear people say that babies change "every day".  I didn't know they meant it literally!  We can actually see a visual change.  Amazing!  She is so tiny and so cute, it was really hard to leave her at the hospital today.  The bonding has begun!!!  We get to take her home the evening of the 25th.  Ten more days!!!

Addison has started bonding as well.  It's so nice to see.  We are sure to give Addison alot of attention, the last thing we want is for her to feel like "second fiddle".  She was giving her kisses and cuddles today.  It's just so damn cute!!!  We've been amazed at Addison's growth too.  She is talking like crazy, speaking in complete sentences, with words she's never used before.  Everyday is something new.  I LOVE it!!!  We're just trying to keep up!!!!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

4th Day of Life

We visited Averi at the Hospital again today, as we plan to do until she is released (on 3-25).  She is doing VERY WELL!  The nurse let Big Sister, Addison hold her.  So precious!!!

Friday, March 13, 2009


As some of you might know; Dwain and I have started the adoption process for a second child.  Sylvia, our social worker, was here on Wednesday March 11th to update our Home Study.  At the end of the "interview" she informed us that the only baby (we are looking for as young a child as possible) she knew about was going to be born in April.  The Biological Mother was going to relinquish the baby at the hospital.  We told Sylvia that we would be interested and asked her to check it out for us.  She called a few hours later, her first words were "Are you sitting down?", and proceeded to tell us that the baby had been born that morning!  That she had given the baby's Social Worker our Home Study, and that we were first in line to adopt the baby!!!  We're Daddies again!!!  We met her at the hospital this afternoon, she's beautiful, alert, and eating really well!  She has an infection, which will keep her in the hospital for 12 more days to complete a course on antibiotics.  Then, we pick her up from the hospital and bring her home!!!  We are naming her Averi.  No middle name yet.  She was born 3-11-09 at approx. 11:30ish., weighing 6 lbs. 9 oz.  We are super excited!  I'll post more pictures when I get them.  Love to all!!!